Total weight gain/loss: I've gained about 22 pounds!!
Maternity clothes? Yuppers...and I plan on wearing them if need be until I lose weight!! I refuse to spend anymore money on clothes I can only wear for a short period of time!
Stretch marks? a few on top of the old! So whatevs!!
Sleep: Very little!! I've started needing a daily nap again! Which may or may not happen depending on Lena's sleep!
Best moment this week: Visiting my parents and brother and Katie Beth in Ohio was definitely a highlight! We had soo much fun! Lena got to go to the zoo for the first time! She absolutely loved it! I was soo proud at how she acted for it to be the hottest, most humid day ever!! I really think she enjoyed herself! So did we! I love watching her experience things for the first time! Even if I did swell up like a balloon!! (no was bad, I couldn't even make a fist by the end of the day) I also have to mention that we are almost completely prepared for Mr. Parker. Well as prepared as you can be for a newborn! We went on a shopping spree with the giftcards we got from Josh's wonderful coworkers, and loaded him up on some good stuff!!
Movement: yes, but he's running out of room...and my tummy is stretched to it's limits!
Food cravings: No, not really!!
Gender: Baby Boy! Parker Scott..
Labor Signs: Still BH. I'm also having some crazy pressure and pains down south. I asked the Dr. to check his position last week and he confirmed (as best as he could) that he's head down, and by my symptoms dropping and engaging. He had me take my records with me on vacay just in case!! He did say that with me being as far along as I am if I did go into labor they wouldn't hold me off too long!! It's a bit nerve wrecking, but Parker and I have discussed it and he has agreed to give mommy atleast 4 more weeks to finish her to do list!! ;0)
Belly Button in or out? when I lay down, out when I stand up!
Wedding rings on or off? To my!! I can't even get them over the nuckle now! I was so swollen this weekend that even my watch and pearl ring were too snug for comfort!! I'm not liking this, but everything looks fine (ie blood pressure, etc) and I drink water like it's nobody's business, so I guess it's just something I will have to toughen out till Dday. Did I mention that even my flip flops are a bit snug!
What I miss: Sleep, not being soo achy all the time, and just having energy in general! But it's all soo worth it!
What I am looking forward to: Finishing my to do list and feeling like I am truly prepared for Parker to be here!
Weekly Wisdom: Pregnant women deserve a foot rub...nightly!! :0)
Milestones: Parker settling into the heads down position!! He's getting ready!
Lane Frosty Day #15
10 years ago
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